All runs start at 11.00 am on Sundays (Mondays on Bank Holidays), except where shown.
For a combined list of four local hashes, go HERE.
Click HERE to see how many runs you've done.
13-15th September: The Friday The 13th HHH Weekend! You CAN have fun in Taunton. Details HERE.
The Swan Inn, 114 High Street, Winterbourne, South Glos. BS36 1RF. Please DO NOT use the pub's car park.
Chipping car park, Long Street, Wotton-under-Edge GL12 7AD. Meet on the green at top of carpark. Afterwards at The Star Inn, Market Street.The Hares' Birthday Hash.
Contact No Shirt to set a run.
Hares! Please report any poorly-maintained footpaths to The Open Spaces Society, The Ramblers, or to the local authority.
First timers: to try "hashing", simply come to one of the above venues with some scruffy running gear. Also, try to read the very small print below. If you can't, click here. Don't be late - we start on time! First runs are free (a small charge - currently £1.50 - is made thereafter. Six-monthly membership (£20) is also available.
Hash-style runs are usually, but not exclusively, held on public land, footpaths, or roads. No guarantee can be made that this is always the case if, for instance: public footpaths are not clearly marked either in situ or on maps; the ownership of the land is uncertain; any other reason. Each runner is free to decide whether or not to follow the marked course. It is the responsibility of each participant to ensure his or her own safety and the safety of others, including non-participants, livestock and wildlife. Dogs are the responsibility of their owners/keepers. Children under sixteen years must be accompanied by, and are the responsibility of, their parents or carers. Each "hash" covers a different location and route, and is run without marshals or other officials. "Hash House Harriers" defines a style of social jogging and is not a legal entity.