~ The Kennet and Avon Hash House Harriers ~

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HaMshag back numbers:


Our fellow-hasher and friend Tony "Rebore" Bishop died suddenly on 26th June 2021, a great shock to all who knew him. He was an enthusiastic and very regular hasher, but more importantly was a popular and much-loved character. Many hashers remember his friendly, approacheable, personality. He ran with all the local clubs, up to the week before his death, and will leave a large, very quiet, hole in the lives of local hashers and among his wide circle of family and friends.

Some of the Covid-19 Virtual Hashing Group, 19th June 2020.

Ray Coates
We were very sad to learn of the death of Hasher, Yorkshireman and good friend, Ray "Toreador" Coates. Ray, and his much-loved dogs, ran primarily with The Kennet and Avon Hash until just a few weeks ago, but also 370 times with Bristol HHH. We will all remember him with great affection. In lieu of flowers at the funeral it is still possible to donate to the Dorothy House Hospice, a charity to whom Ray was very grateful for their kind and expert support throughout his late wife, Yvonne's, illness. Details are HERE. Any amount gratefully received.
February, 2020.

From the archives:

Inaugural meeting of the Northend Sumo Clarinetists Club.

Current membership: 0|0|1

Second joint K&A and BOGS run.

20th June 2012, The Pelican Inn, Chew Magna.

Hares: Fat Controller and Brigadoon.

First joint K&A and BOGS run.

27th July 2011, The Pelican Inn, Chew Magna.

Hares: Fat Controller and Brigadoon.


© Individual authors, 1988 - .
Views expressed are not necessarily shared nor endorsed by anybody else connected with this organisation.